It is becoming easier to get unsecured loans for big amounts in South Africa. As the demand increases, more credit providers are advertising to the short term loan sector. This is good news for those of us who do not have assets to qualify for secured loans or if you just want a short term loan as soon as possible. In this article, we’ll discuss why you should get a debt review.
Unfortunately, having a number of small loan repayments every month can add up to a lot of debt.
Consumers often have numerous loans, accounts and bonds that leave them just enough for their living expenses. We all know how unforeseen expenses can easily creep in and this has a way of ruining one’s budget. Over-indebted South Africans should avoid the slippery slope of skipping repayments as this exposes them to fines, increased interest rates, annoying debt collectors and ultimately losing their assets.
Luckily the National Credit Regulator (NCR) puts the National Credit Act into action by giving South Africans who cannot afford their debt the option to have a professional debt counsellor restructure their debt. Debt counsellors can give their clients legal advice and negotiate with their creditors for better interest rates and smaller monthly repayments.
Debt review fees are affordable to make this a debt help solution for all South Africans. Clients under debt review may not take on new loans but their credit record will not be negatively influenced after completing the debt review.
If you feel that your debt has become unaffordable and you want to avoid fines, contact us for a free financial assessment before skipping any repayments. Restructure your debt before it becomes very expensive not to. Once you receive a Section 129 from a credit provider, that debt cannot be included in your debt restructuring.